13 Jan 2016
home repair Colonial Heights VA

Make Affordable Home Repairs In Colonial Heights VA With Timothy’s Home Improvement

With 2015 coming to an end and a new year just around the corner, nothing says fresh start like making a change to your home. When most people think of home updates and remodeling, though, they tend to think they need a lot of money to get started. Fortunately there are a lot of ways you can update your Colonial Heights, VA home on a budget. Here are 4 simple things you should consider to add a new look to your home without breaking the bank:

Color Change Is A Quick, Affordable New Look

If you have had the same color in your rooms for a while, they can start to feel old and boring. With a few coats of paint, you can transform the entire outlook of a space and give it new life. Make smaller spaces in your home feel larger by painting a lighter color or go big with a focal wall using a bold color. Paint isn’t just for inside, either; a fresh coat of paint on the outside of your home is a cheap way to increase your curb appeal.

Reupholstering Gives Old Furniture New Life

When most people notice that their sofas, chairs, and other furniture are starting to get worn down and looking old, they instantly think of the cost for replacing everything. Instead of spending thousands to replace all of your old furniture, consider having it reupholstered instead. With new fabric you can change the look and feel of your old pieces to the point that they don’t even seem old anymore giving you one of the best home updates possible without spending a lot of money. If you’re really on a tight budget, slipcovers are also an option.

Small Bathroom Changes Have A Big Impact

Some DIY remodeling projects can be extremely expensive, but small bathroom projects can stay within a tight budget and provide a lot of value. For just a few hundred dollars you can install a new sink, floor tiles, and have a fresh coat of paint added. Home improvements like that are perfect for a weekend project and don’t cost too much.

Outdoor Living Spaces Add Functionality

If you live in a Colonial Heights Virginia home with a lot of outdoor space that you are not sure what to do with, converting it into outdoor living is a great option. Home updates outside the home can be cheaper than remodeling inside because you are simply adding; you don’t have to take down anything that is already there. Converting your patio into an outdoor living area or outdoor kitchen is one of the home improvements that will allow you to set your home apart from everyone else in the area, and it’s perfect for entertaining.

05 Nov 2015
home improvement Bon Air, VA

Timothy’s Home Improvement Will Help You Increase The Value Of Your Home With Home Improvements

Looking for ways to up the value your home in Colonial Heights Virginia? Whether you are planning to sell the home, or want to do it for personal reasons, you can increase value by using simple adjustments. The actual cost of your home may vary based on the value of property, but if you can do some repairs and add beauty to some areas, you can up the value of home significantly.

How to up the value of your home

  • Work on your kitchen: You should know that the kitchen is called heart of your home, a potential buyer will first see your kitchen before giving you a quote. If your kitchen is updated and clean, it will increase the value of your home.
  • Matching appliances: if your appliances don’t match, you should rethink and order some matching doors and panels. Increasing value of your home in Colonial Heights Virginia need a lot of consideration. People look for better place to live and if they find a home with good appliances, they would like to buy it on any cost. You can do adjustments in rooms, mix matching in kitchen, and in other areas of home.
  • Bathrooms: After kitchen, your focus should be on improving bathrooms. Make sure to put important accessories so that it looks modern and up to date. Bathrooms won’t cost you a lot of money, putting simple things will for sure add value to your home. Put new toilet seats and add pedestal sink, when you decide to sell the home. The last thing you should be doing is making sure that everything in your bathroom works fine.
  • Pay loan: Many different loans are available to help you improve your home, but make sure that you pay all the loans and nothing is left out. Your financial condition effects on your overall home value, and if the loan and everything is paid off, you will be free from burden of selling it in low costs.

Some small improvements with big benefits

If you are concern whether upgrading the home or improving the condition will increase the value. Don’t think too much on this, you can always choose to do little bit of both to increase the value of your home in Colonial Heights Virginia.

You should make two type of lists, one should be upgrading the home, while other should be upgrading for yourself. You can always upgrade lightings, doors, and some small accessories for yourself. But once you have decided to sell the home, you can add little bit of artwork and fancy windows to increase its value. When you do proceed by using this method, you will see change in the value of your home.

If you have spent money on big upgrades, you can always add small upgrades for next few months. There are many small upgrades you can add like bulbs, lamps, and other small accessories to add value to your home in Colonial Heights Virginia.

29 Sep 2015
Window Replacement Prince George VA

Why You Should Invest In Window Replacement  To Save Money On Heating And Cooling Bills

Older style windows did not place a lot of emphasis on whether or not they insulated enough to help you save on your heating and cooling bills. Aesthetics was the driving force behind most designs, if not pure functionality. Yet as energy costs have sky rocketed in recent decades, the desire to find as many energy efficient, cost effective devices as possible to bring into our lives has also risen. Windows may not seem like the first place to start with helping make your home more environmentally friendly. They let light in and we are happy with that outcome. But they are perhaps the most vulnerable spots in your house, where hot and cold air sometimes moves freely in and out of your house. If you have ever wondered why your air conditioning bill is so expensive in the summer, and heating expenditures so great in the winter, it could very well be the panes of glass you take for granted.

Aside from seeing larger than expected energy bills in the mail every month, there are certain clues that will help you to know when is the proper time to replace your old windows. For starters, certain rooms seem hotter and/or colder than the temperature set on the thermostat. There should be one uniform reading for the entire house since the ducts blow the same air throughout. On the same token, if you find that your air conditioning system works a bit harder than it should, then that could be a sign that your windows are not doing their job. More physical evidence can be an extra bit of dust around the panes, especially on the sill. If there are cracks or leaks anywhere on its surface or the edges, then not only will heat or cold be seeping in and out, but so will dirt. This could lead to health problems, as dust and dirt often carry with them allergens.

When you have finally had enough of paying extra on energy costs or extra visits to the doctor, the gold standard in efficient windows are the ones that are Energy Star rated. Though there are a variety of panes that they can replace, they will help you to save up to hundreds of dollars a year on utilities. Governments also value making their citizen more conscious of their energy usage. In the United States, those who make the switch to Energy Star rated windows receive a tax credit of up to ten percent on every $200 spent. While some might think of these new products as bulky and unlovely, this is a bit of a misrepresentation. Whether you are involved with a historic preservation project, or simply looking to upgrade the look of your home, you can do so in a way that is environmentally responsible and aesthetically pleasing. After all, you should not have to sacrifice style in the name of science.

If you are looking for a window replacement contractor in Prince George VA, contact Timothy’s Home Improvement.